Burlingame, Dwight F.Dilworth, Kathryn FrancesApplegate, RachelBadertscher, KatherineHeyns, Erla P.Shaker, Genevieve2021-05-242021-05-242021-04https://hdl.handle.net/1805/25988http://dx.doi.org/10.7912/C2/641Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)In current higher education fundraising models where alumni are aligned with their degree-granting unit, the academic library struggles to match the fundraising outcomes of its campus peers. A survey of seventy-nine fundraisers in academic libraries collected data on fundraising activity. It reveals common practices amongst fundraisers working in this environment and ongoing challenges to success. In a second study, a fundraising model based on social capital is proposed as an alternative to the traditional alumni model. The final study evaluates interviews with thirty-two individuals that further explores the challenges to fundraising success and the efficacy of social capital building as a method to overcome systemic challenges. Interviewees include academic library fundraisers, library deans/directors and university development leaders. Findings reveal a strong interest in a social capital-based approach to fundraising but reveal the necessity to pair the new model with revised fundraiser assessment models capable of measuring these soft skills.en-USAcademic librariesFundraisersFundraisingHigher educationSocial capitalUniversity developmentThe Social Capital Fundraising ModelDissertation