Jaime, MarkMcMahon, Camilla M.Davidson, Bridget C.Newell, Lisa C.Mundy, Peter C.Henderson, Heather A.2020-02-062020-02-062016-04Jaime, M., McMahon, C. M., Davidson, B. C., Newell, L. C., Mundy, P. C., & Henderson, H. A. (2016). Brief Report: Reduced Temporal-Central EEG Alpha Coherence During Joint Attention Perception in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 46(4), 1477–1489. doi:10.1007/s10803-015-2667-3https://hdl.handle.net/1805/22000Although prior studies have demonstrated reduced resting state EEG coherence in adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), no studies have explored the nature of EEG coherence during joint attention. We examined the EEG coherence of the joint attention network in adolescents with and without ASD during congruent and incongruent joint attention perception and an eyes-open resting condition. Across conditions, adolescents with ASD showed reduced right hemisphere temporal-central alpha coherence compared to typically developing adolescents. Greater right temporal-central alpha coherence during joint attention was positively associated with social cognitive performance in typical development but not in ASD. These results suggest that, in addition to a resting state, EEG coherence during joint attention perception is reduced in ASD.en-USPublisher PolicyEEG coherenceJoint attentionBrain connectivityCortical connectivityJoint attention network connectivityNeurocognitive features of joint attention in ASDAdolescents with ASDAdolescent autistic brainBrief Report: Reduced Temporal-Central EEG Alpha Coherence During Joint Attention Perception in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum DisorderArticle