Auberry, Kathy2019-03-292019-03-292017Auberry, K. (2017). Intellectual and developmental disability nursing: current challenges in the USA. Nursing: Research and Reviews, 55(1), 23-28. Nursing in the field of intellectual and developmental disability has evolved over the last decade. With this evolution new challenges related to this field of nursing practice have surfaced. The field of intellectual and developmental disability nursing is complex and considered out of the realm of common nursing practice. Given the complexity and uniqueness of this area of nursing practice, nurses face challenges when supporting this population. Purpose: A commentary to highlight current challenges faced by nurses working in the field of intellectual and developmental disability in the United States; in order to generate conversation and solutions. Results: Nurses face varied challenges in the field of intellectual and developmental disability: lack of education regarding this population, healthcare complexity of this population, role ambiguity, varied practice settings, nursing model of care controversy, caseload distribution and acuity. Method: Review of literature and clinical practice experienceen-USintellectual disabilitylearning disabilitynursingchallengesrolesIntellectual and developmental disability nursing: current challenges in the United StatesArticle