Guo, XingyeLi, LiPark, Hyeon-MyeongKnapp, JamesJung, Yeon-GilZhang, Jing2018-09-282018-09-282018-04Guo, X., Li, L., Park, H.-M., Knapp, J., Jung, Y.-G., & Zhang, J. (2018). Mechanical Properties of Layered La2Zr2O7 Thermal Barrier Coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 27(4), 581–590. zirconate (La2Zr2O7) has been proposed as a promising thermal barrier coating (TBC) material due to its low thermal conductivity and high stability at high temperatures. In this work, both single and double-ceramic-layer (DCL) TBC systems of La2Zr2O7 and 8 wt.% yttria-stabilized zirconia (8YSZ) were prepared using air plasma spray (APS) technique. The thermomechanical properties and microstructure were investigated. Thermal gradient mechanical fatigue (TGMF) tests were applied to investigate the thermal cycling performance. The results showed that DCL La2Zr2O7 + 8YSZ TBC samples lasted fewer cycles compared with single-layered 8YSZ TBC samples in TGMF tests. This is because DCL La2Zr2O7 TBC samples had higher residual stress during the thermal cycling process, and their fracture toughness was lower than that of 8YSZ. Bond strength test results showed that 8YSZ TBC samples had higher bond strength compared with La2Zr2O7. The erosion rate of La2Zr2O7 TBC samples was higher than that of 8YSZ samples, due to the lower critical erodent velocity and fracture toughness of La2Zr2O7. DCL porous 8YSZ + La2Zr2O7 had a lower erosion rate than other SCL and DCL La2Zr2O7 coatings, suggesting that porous 8YSZ serves as a stress-relief buffer layer.enIUPUI Open Access Policybond strengtherosionlanthanum zirconatMechanical Properties of Layered La2Zr2O7 Thermal Barrier CoatingsArticle