Bucher, SherriMeyers, ElizabethKshatriya, Bhavani Singh AgnikulaAvanigadda, Prem ChandPurkayastha, Saptarshi2020-06-262020-06-262019Bucher, S., Meyers, E., Kshatriya, B. S. A., Avanigadda, P. C., & Purkayastha, S. (2019). Development of an Innovative Mobile Phone-Based Newborn Care Training Application. In A. Abraham, N. Gandhi, & M. Pant (Eds.), Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (pp. 361–374). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-16681-6_36https://hdl.handle.net/1805/23119Mobile infrastructure in low - and middle-income countries (LMIC) has shown immense potential to reach the unreachable. Healthcare providers (HCP) are one such group who are at the frontline of the fight against infant mortality in LMICs. Mortality among newborn infants (birth to 28 days) now accounts for around 45% of all under 5-years child mortality. Birth asphyxia is one of the three leading causes of newborn death; neonatal resuscitation training, among health care providers, reduces mortality from birth asphyxia. We have developed a mobile phone-based training app, called mobile Helping Babies Survive (mHBS), to support the training of health care providers on neonatal resuscitation. mHBS is integrated with the District Health Information System (DHIS2) platform, which is used in over 60 countries around the world. The mHBS/DHIS2 training app is a part of an application suite which includes another DHIS2-linked data collection app, mHBS tracker. The mHBS training application has the potential to scale-up integration with other neonatal training apps. Ultimately, the mHBS training suite will provide new insights into healthcare worker education along with the necessary tools for effective care of newborn babies.enPublisher PolicyeLearningmHealthnewborn careDevelopment of an Innovative Mobile Phone-Based Newborn Care Training ApplicationConference proceedings