Pratt, Victoria M.Del Tredici, Andria L.Hachad, HoudaJi, YuanKalman, Lisa V.Scott, Stuart A.Weck, Karen E.2018-03-292018-03-292018Pratt, V. M., Del Tredici, A. L., Hachad, H., Ji, Y., Kalman, L. V., Scott, S. A., & Weck, K. E. (2018). Recommendations for Clinical CYP2C19 Genotyping Allele Selection: A Report of the Association for Molecular Pathology. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. document was developed by the Pharmacogenetics (PGx) Working Group of the Association for Molecular Pathology Clinical Practice Committee, whose aim is to recommend variants for inclusion in clinical pharmacogenetic testing panels. The goals of the Association for Molecular Pathology PGx Working Group are to define the key attributes of PGx alleles recommended for clinical testing and to define a minimum set of variants that should be included in clinical PGx genotyping assays. These recommendations include a minimum panel of variant alleles (tier 1) and an extended panel of variant alleles (tier 2) that will aid clinical laboratories when designing PGx assays. The Working Group considered variant allele frequencies in different populations and ethnicities, the availability of reference materials, and other technical considerations for PGx testing when developing these recommendations. These CYP2C19 genotyping recommendations are the first of a series of recommendations for PGx testing. These recommendations are not to be interpreted as restrictive, but they are meant to provide a helpful guide.enPublisher Policyclinical pharmacogenetic testing panelsvariant allele frequenciesCYP2C19 genotyping recommendationsRecommendations for Clinical CYP2C19 Genotyping Allele Selection: A Report of the Association for Molecular PathologyArticle