Miles, Dale A.Yepes, Juan F.2020-07-172020-07-172019Miles, D., & Yepes, J. F. (2019). Dental X-Ray Exposure The Past has become the Future. Journal of the California Dental Association, 47, 579. dental X-ray procedures are delegated to office staff and some recommendations and techniques, such as selection criteria and rectangular collimation for intraoral imaging, have been ignored or forgotten by some dentists. Some of the X-ray exposure recommendations, updated by the American Dental Associtation’s Science Institute in June 2018, and the need to adopt guidelines proposed by the public campaign Image Gently are discussed to help the reader develop safe X-ray protocols, from intraorals to CBCT.enPublisher PolicyX-ray exposureradiationrecommendationsDental X-Ray Exposure The Past has become the FutureArticle