Kalaitzi, Valia2022-11-092022-11-092022https://hdl.handle.net/1805/30520“Pathways to Culture, Health, and Well-Being Understanding” is a contemporary, open educational resource (OER) content created firsthand to serve the learning objectives of the "Culture, Health and Well-Being" course. This teaching book focuses on bringing together the new knowledge and developments on understanding how regional cultures and health are intertwined and influence our perceptions and choices on health and well-being. The aim is for students of all majors to get deeper insights on cultural competence as a key driver in the population’s health, health professions, and health systems as well as on its influence on health, and well-being across ethnic and vulnerable groupsen-USAttribution 4.0 InternationalHealthPublic healthCultureCultural competenceCultural diversityCultural contexts of healthCulture of healthPathways to Culture, Health and Well-Being UnderstandingLearning object