Ray, MatthewBilderback, KaylaGoodman, DavidCooney, Elaine2021-02-112021-02-112020-08-04https://hdl.handle.net/1805/25197Indiana University Purdue University IndianapolisA workplace safety management plan can help an employer to reduce the risk of employee illness or injury. Losing workers to injury or illness can cause significant disruption and cost. Due to size, oversight, or ignorance, many small businesses do not have a workplace safety management plan. Implementation of a workplace safety management plan includes a self-inspection to identify hazards and implement strategies to eliminate or mitigate their impact. With some dedication, education, and training any company can implement a workplace safety management plan. Instigated by citations from local fire officials, a small Texas company has identified other areas of improvement needed to achieve standards compliance and ensure worker safety. This study discusses the processes taken for a small business to mitigate risk for employees, analyze their compliance with local and federal regulations, and take corrective action to avoid future citations for the employer. Based on the four-point process as outlined by the OSHA Small Business Handbook, Tighten Manufacturing Company conducted a self-inspection, observed processes, and interviewed employees. The information gathered was used to establish a workplace safety management program that initiated a change in the cultural approach to safety and satisfies federal and state requirements to minimize hazards within the workplace.en-USSmall businessWorkplace safetyOSHA StandardsImplementationWorkplace Safety Management Planning for Small Industrial Business