Shaver, LeaDutton, Yvonne M.Silva, Lahny R.Ryznar, MargaretHagan, CarrieWinters, Diana2017-07-102017-07-102016-09-16Shaver, Lea; Dutton, Yvonne; Silva, Lahny; Ryznar, Margaret; Hagan, Carrie; Winters, Diana. (2016 Sep 16). MUSCLE: Mentoring Untenured Scholars for Clinical and Legal Excellence. Poster presented at IUPUI Mentoring Academy Fall Symposium. Office of Academic Affairs, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN. poster describes the progress and lessons learned as a result of newly implemented Faculty Mentoring Program in the Robert H. McKinney School of Law.Faculty DevelopmentPromotion and TenureMentoringHigher EducationRobert H. McKinney School of LawMUSCLE: Mentoring Untenured Scholars for Clinical and Legal ExcellencePoster10.7912/C2805T