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Item Dissecting the Functional Heterogeneity of Serotonergic Systems That Regulate Fear and Panic(2019-10) Setubal Bernabe, Cristian; Cummins, Theodore R.; Engelman, Eric; Johnson, Philip L.; Truitt, William A.Serotonin (5-HT) is heavily implicated in severe anxiety and trauma-related disor-ders, such as panic and post-traumatic stress disorders. Overall, site-specific pharmacolog-ical manipulations show that while 5-HT enhances anxiety-associated/avoidance behaviors in the amygdala, 5-HT inhibits panic-associated escape behaviors in the perifornical hypo-thalamus region (PeFR). Yet, our understanding of how specific serotonergic networks and co-transmitters regulate these conditions, but also other aspects of innate panic (e.g., car-dioexcitation or thermal response that occur during a flight or escape response) or condi-tioned fear behaviors is still elusive. Therefore, utilizing circuit-based gain- and loss-of-function approaches to selectively manipulate amygdala- and PeFR-projecting sero-tonergic systems, we hypothesize that specific serotonergic networks projecting to the amygdala and PeFR respectively enhance conditioned fear responses and attenuate innate panic-associated behaviors and physiological responses. There are two main chapters in this dissertation. In Chapter III, retrograde tracing revealed that the amygdala-projecting neurons from dorsal Raphe (DR) were almost exclusively serotonergic (92-95%) concen-trated in the dorsal/ventral (DRD/DRV) DR, with few non-serotonergic neurons. While selective lesioning of this network with saporin toxin (SAP) facilitated the extinction of conditioned fear behavior, selective optogenetic activation of amygdala-projecting DRD/DRV cell bodies using intersectional genetics reduced extinction of conditioned fear behavior and enhanced anxiety avoidance. In Chapter IV, retrograde tracing showed that the PeFR was innervated by equally selective serotonergic networks concentrated in the lateral wings DR (lwDR) and median Raphe (MR). Contrasting with the results from the amygdala-innervating 5-HT system, lesioning the PeFR-projecting serotonergic network from lwDR/MR was accompanied by reduced extinction of conditioned fear behavior, in-creased anxiety avoidance, and increased CO2-induced panic (elevated escape responses and enhanced cardioexcitation). Conversely, selective activation of lwDR/MR serotonergic terminals in the PeFR decreased anxiety-associated behaviors; inhibited CO2-induced panic, and induced unconditioned and conditioned place preferences. The circuit-based ap-proach data presented here show that amygdala- and PeFR-projecting 5-HT neurons com-prise distinct circuits underlying opposite roles enhancing anxiety/fear responses in the amygdala and dampening fear/panic responses in the PeFR. The identification of distinct circuits controlling anxiety, fear, and panic responses is a fundamental step towards the development of more effective therapies for psychiatric conditions such as anxiety and trauma-related disorders.Item Evaluating the role of serotonin in hot flashes after breast cancer using acute tryptophan depletion.(Wolters Kluwer, 2009) Carpenter, Janet S.; Yu, Menggang; Wu, Jingwei; Von Ah, Diane; Milata, Jennifer; Otte, Julie L.; Johns, Shelley; Schneider, Bryan; Storniolo, Anna Maria; Salomon, Ronald; Desta, Zeuresenay; Cao, Donghua; Jin, Yan; Philips, Santosh; Skaar, Todd C.OBJECTIVE: Among women with breast cancer, hot flashes are frequent, severe, and bothersome symptoms that can negatively impact quality of life and compromise compliance with life-saving medications (eg, tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors). Clinicians' abilities to treat hot flashes are limited due to inadequate understanding of physiological mechanisms involved in hot flashes. Using an acute tryptophan depletion paradigm, we tested whether alterations in central serotonin levels were involved in the induction of hot flashes in women with breast cancer. METHODS: This was a within-participant, double-blind, controlled, balanced, crossover study. Twenty-seven women completed two 9-hour test days. On one test day, women ingested a concentrated amino acid drink and encapsulated amino acids (no tryptophan) according to published procedures that have been shown to have specific effects on serotonin within 4.5 to 7 hours. On the other test day, women ingested a control drink. Serial venous blood sampling and objective hot flash monitoring were used to evaluate response to each condition. RESULTS: Response to acute tryptophan depletion was variable and unexplained by use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antiestrogens, breast cancer disease and treatment variables, or genetic polymorphisms in serotonin receptor and transporter genes. Contrary to our hypothesis, hot flashes were not worsened with acute tryptophan depletion. CONCLUSIONS: Physiologically documented and self-reported hot flashes were not exacerbated by tryptophan depletion. Additional mechanistic research is needed to better understand the etiology of hot flashes.Item G protein-coupled receptor kinase-2 (GRK-2) regulates serotonin metabolism through the monoamine oxidase AMX-2 in Caenorhabditis elegans(American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2017-04-07) Wang, Jianjun; Luo, Jiansong; Aryal, Dipendra K.; Wetsel, William C.; Nass, Richard; Benovic, Jeffrey L.; Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of MedicineG protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) regulate many animal behaviors. GPCR signaling is mediated by agonist-promoted interactions of GPCRs with heterotrimeric G proteins, GPCR kinases (GRKs), and arrestins. To further elucidate the role of GRKs in regulating GPCR-mediated behaviors, we utilized the genetic model system Caenorhabditis elegans Our studies demonstrate that grk-2 loss-of-function strains are egg laying-defective and contain low levels of serotonin (5-HT) and high levels of the 5-HT metabolite 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA). The egg laying defect could be rescued by the expression of wild type but not by catalytically inactive grk-2 or by the selective expression of grk-2 in hermaphrodite-specific neurons. The addition of 5-HT or inhibition of 5-HT metabolism also rescued the egg laying defect. Furthermore, we demonstrate that AMX-2 is the primary monoamine oxidase that metabolizes 5-HT in C. elegans, and we also found that grk-2 loss-of-function strains have abnormally high levels of AMX-2 compared with wild-type nematodes. Interestingly, GRK-2 was also found to interact with and promote the phosphorylation of AMX-2. Additional studies reveal that 5-HIAA functions to inhibit egg laying in a manner dependent on the 5-HT receptor SER-1 and the G protein GOA-1. These results demonstrate that GRK-2 modulates 5-HT metabolism by regulating AMX-2 function and that 5-HIAA may function in the SER-1 signaling pathway.Item Gene expression changes in serotonin, GABA-A receptors, neuropeptides and ion channels in the dorsal raphe nucleus of adolescent alcohol-preferring (P) rats following binge-like alcohol drinking(Elsevier, 2015-02) McClintick, Jeanette N.; McBride, William J.; Bell, Richard L.; Ding, Zheng-Ming; Liu, Yunlong; Xuei, Xiaoling; Edenberg, Howard J.; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, IU School of MedicineAlcohol binge-drinking during adolescence is a serious public health concern with long-term consequences. We used RNA sequencing to assess the effects of excessive adolescent ethanol binge-drinking on gene expression in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) of alcohol preferring (P) rats. Repeated binges across adolescence (three 1h sessions across the dark-cycle per day, 5 days per week for 3 weeks starting at 28 days of age; ethanol intakes of 2.5-3 g/kg/session) significantly altered the expression of approximately one-third of the detected genes. Multiple neurotransmitter systems were altered, with the largest changes in the serotonin system (21 of 23 serotonin-related genes showed decreased expression) and GABA-A receptors (8 decreased and 2 increased). Multiple neuropeptide systems were also altered, with changes in the neuropeptide Y and corticotropin-releasing hormone systems similar to those associated with increased drinking and decreased resistance to stress. There was increased expression of 21 of 32 genes for potassium channels. Expression of downstream targets of CREB signaling was increased. There were also changes in expression of genes involved in inflammatory processes, axonal guidance, growth factors, transcription factors, and several intracellular signaling pathways. These widespread changes indicate that excessive binge drinking during adolescence alters the functioning of the DRN and likely its modulation of many regions of the central nervous system, including the mesocorticolimbic system.Item Hypothalamic orexin’s role in exacerbated cutaneous vasodilation responses to an anxiogenic stimulus in a surgical menopause model(Elsevier, 2016-03) Federici, Lauren M.; Caliman, Izabela Facco; Molosh, Andrei I.; Fitz, Stephanie D.; Truitt, William A.; Bonaventure, Pascal; Carpenter, Janet S.; Shekhar, Anantha; Johnson, Philip L.; Department of Psychiatry, IU School of MedicineDistressing symptoms such as hot flashes and sleep disturbances affect over 70% of women approaching menopause for an average of 4-7 years, and recent large cohort studies have shown that anxiety and stress are strongly associated with more severe and persistent hot flashes and can induce hot flashes. Although high estrogen doses alleviate symptoms, extended use increases health risks, and current non-hormonal therapies are marginally better than placebo. The lack of effective non-hormonal treatments is largely due to the limited understanding of the mechanisms that underlie menopausal symptoms. One mechanistic pathway that has not been explored is the wake-promoting orexin neuropeptide system. Orexin is exclusively synthesized in the estrogen receptor rich perifornical hypothalamic region, and has an emerging role in anxiety and thermoregulation. In female rodents, estrogens tonically inhibit expression of orexin, and estrogen replacement normalizes severely elevated central orexin levels in postmenopausal women. Using an ovariectomy menopause model, we demonstrated that an anxiogenic compound elicited exacerbated hot flash-associated increases in tail skin temperature (TST, that is blocked with estrogen), and cellular responses in orexin neurons and efferent targets. Furthermore, systemic administration of centrally active, selective orexin 1 or 2 and dual receptor antagonists attenuated or blocked TST responses, respectively. This included the reformulated Suvorexant, which was recently FDA-approved for treating insomnia. Collectively, our data support the hypothesis that dramatic loss of estrogen tone during menopausal states leads to a hyperactive orexin system that contributes to symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, and more severe hot flashes. Additionally, orexin receptor antagonists may represent a novel non-hormonal therapy for treating menopausal symptoms, with minimal side effects.Item MDMA Increases Excitability in the Dentate Gyrus: Role of 5HT2A Receptor Induced PGE2 Signaling(Wiley, 2016-03) Collins, Stuart A.; Huff, Courtney; Chiaia, Nicolas; Gudelsky, Gary A.; Yamamoto, Bryan K.; Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, IU School of MedicineMDMA is a widely abused psychostimulant which causes release of serotonin in various forebrain regions. Recently, we reported that MDMA increases extracellular glutamate concentrations in the dentate gyrus, via activation of 5HT2A receptors. We examined the role of prostaglandin signaling in mediating the effects of 5HT2A receptor activation on the increases in extracellular glutamate and the subsequent long-term loss of parvalbumin interneurons in the dentate gyrus caused by MDMA. Administration of MDMA into the dentate gyrus of rats increased PGE2 concentrations which was prevented by coadministration of MDL100907, a 5HT2A receptor antagonist. MDMA-induced increases in extracellular glutamate were inhibited by local administration of SC-51089, an inhibitor of the EP1 prostaglandin receptor. Systemic administration of SC-51089 during injections of MDMA prevented the decreases in parvalbumin interneurons observed 10 days later. The loss of parvalbumin immunoreactivity after MDMA exposure coincided with a decrease in paired-pulse inhibition and afterdischarge threshold in the dentate gyrus. These changes were prevented by inhibition of EP1 and 5HT2A receptors during MDMA. Additional experiments revealed an increased susceptibility to kainic acid-induced seizures in MDMA treated rats which could be prevented with SC51089 treatments during MDMA exposure. Overall, these findings suggest that 5HT2A receptors mediate MDMA-induced PGE2 signaling and subsequent increases in glutamate. This signaling mediates parvalbumin cell losses as well as physiologic changes in the dentate gyrus, suggesting that the lack of the inhibition provided by these neurons increases the excitability within the dentate gyrus of MDMA treated rats.Item Modulation of the Tryptophan Hydroxylase 1/Monoamine Oxidase-A/5-Hydroxytryptamine/5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor 2A/2B/2C Axis Regulates Biliary Proliferation and Liver Fibrosis During Cholestasis(Wiley, 2020-03) Kyritsi, Konstantina; Chen, Lixian; O’Brien, April; Francis, Heather; Hein, Travis W.; Venter, Julie; Wu, Nan; Ceci, Ludovica; Zhou, Tianhao; Zawieja, David; Gashev, Anatoliy A.; Meng, Fanyin; Invernizzi, Pietro; Fabris, Luca; Wu, Chaodong; Skill, Nicholas J.; Saxena, Romil; Liangpunsakul, Suthat; Alpini, Gianfranco; Glaser, Shannon S.; Medicine, School of MedicineBackground and aims: Serotonin (5HT) is a neuroendocrine hormone synthetized in the central nervous system (CNS) as well as enterochromaffin cells of the gastrointestinal tract. Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH1) and monoamine oxidase (MAO-A) are the key enzymes for the synthesis and catabolism of 5HT, respectively. Previous studies demonstrated that 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor (5HTR)1A/1B receptor agonists inhibit biliary hyperplasia in bile-duct ligated (BDL) rats, whereas 5HTR2B receptor antagonists attenuate liver fibrosis (LF) in mice. Our aim was to evaluate the role of 5HTR2A/2B/2C agonists/antagonists in cholestatic models. Approach and results: While in vivo studies were performed in BDL rats and the multidrug resistance gene 2 knockout (Mdr2-/- ) mouse model of PSC, in vitro studies were performed in cell lines of cholangiocytes and hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). 5HTR2A/2B/2C and MAO-A/TPH1 are expressed in cholangiocytes and HSCs from BDL rats and Mdr2-/- - mice. Ductular reaction, LF, as well as the mRNA expression of proinflammatory genes increased in normal, BDL rats, and Mdr2-/- - mice following treatment 5HTR2A/2B/2C agonists, but decreased when BDL rats and Mdr2-/- mice were treated with 5HTR2A/2B/2C antagonists compared to BDL rats and Mdr2-/- mice, respectively. 5HT levels increase in Mdr2-/- mice and in PSC human patients compared to their controls and decrease in serum of Mdr2-/- mice treated with 5HTR2A/2B/2C antagonists compared to untreated Mdr2-/- mice. In vitro, cell lines of murine cholangiocytes and human HSCs express 5HTR2A/2B/2C and MAO-A/TPH1; treatment of these cell lines with 5HTR2A/2B/2C antagonists or TPH1 inhibitor decreased 5HT levels as well as expression of fibrosis and inflammation genes compared to controls. Conclusions: Modulation of the TPH1/MAO-A/5HT/5HTR2A/2B/2C axis may represent a therapeutic approach for management of cholangiopathies, including PSC.Item Negative consequences of early-life adversity on substance use as mediated by corticotropin-releasing factor modulation of serotonin activity(Elsevier, 2018-08-07) Forster, Gina L.; Anderson, Eden M.; Scholl, Jamie L.; Lukkes, Jodi L.; Watt, Michael J.; Psychiatry, School of MedicineEarly-life adversity is associated with increased risk for substance abuse in later life, with women more likely to report past and current stress as a mediating factor in their substance use and relapse as compared to men. Preclinical models of neonatal and peri-adolescent (early through late adolescence) stress all support a direct relationship between experiences of early-life adversity and adult substance-related behaviors, and provide valuable information regarding the underlying neurobiology. This review will provide an overview of these animal models and how these paradigms alter drug and alcohol consumption and/or seeking in male and female adults. An introduction to the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and serotonin systems, their development and their interactions at the level of the dorsal raphe will be provided, illustrating how this particular stress system is sexually dimorphic, and is well positioned to be affected by stressors early in development and throughout maturation. A model for CRF-serotonin interactions in the dorsal raphe and how these influence dopaminergic activity within the nucleus accumbens and subsequent reward-associated behaviors will be provided, and alterations to the activity of this system following early-life adversity will be identified. Overall, converging findings suggest that early-life adversity has long-term effects on the functioning of the CRF-serotonin system, highlighting a potentially important and targetable mediator linking stress to addiction. Future work should focus on identifying the exact mechanisms that promote long-term changes to the expression and activity of CRF receptors in the dorsal raphe. Moreover, it is important to clarify whether similar neurobiological mechanisms exist for males and females, given the sexual dimorphism both in CRF receptors and serotonin indices in the dorsal raphe and in the behavioral outcomes of early-life adversity.Item Peripheral Administration of Ethanol Results in a Correlated Increase in Dopamine and Serotonin Within the Posterior Ventral Tegmental Area(Oxford Academic, 2016-09) Deehan, Gerald A.; Knight, Christopher P.; Waeiss, R. Aaron; Engleman, Eric A.; Toalston, Jamie E.; McBride, William J.; Hauser, Sheketha R.; Rodd, Zachary A.; Psychiatry, School of MedicineAims Two critical neurotransmitter systems regulating ethanol (EtOH) reward are serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DA). Within the posterior ventral tegmental area (pVTA), 5-HT receptors have been shown to regulate DA neuronal activity. Increased pVTA neuronal activity has been linked to drug reinforcement. The current experiment sought to determine the effect of EtOH on 5-HT and DA levels within the pVTA. Methods Wistar rats were implanted with cannula aimed at the pVTA. Neurochemical levels were determined using standard microdialysis procedures with concentric probes. Rats were randomly assigned to one of the five groups (n = 41; 7–9 per group) that were treated with 0–3.0 g/kg EtOH (intraperitoneally). Results Ethanol produced increased extracellular DA levels in the pVTA that resembled an inverted U-shape dose–response curve with peak levels (~200% of baseline) at the 2.25 g/kg dose. The increase in DA levels was observed for an extended period of time (~100 minutes). The effects of EtOH on extracellular 5-HT levels in the pVTA also resembled an inverted U-shape dose–response curve. However, increased 5-HT levels were only observed during the initial post-injection sample. The increases in extracellular DA and 5-HT levels were significantly correlated. Conclusion The data indicate intraperitoneal EtOH administration stimulated the release of both 5-HT and DA within the pVTA, the levels of which were significantly correlated. Overall, the current findings suggest that the ability of EtOH to stimulate DA activity within the mesolimbic system may be modulated by increases in 5-HT release within the pVTA. Short summary Two critical neurotransmitter systems regulating ethanol reward are serotonin and dopamine. The current experiment determined that intraperitoneal ethanol administration increased serotonin and dopamine levels within the pVTA (levels were significantly correlated). The current findings suggest the ability of EtOH to stimulate serotonin and dopamine activity within the mesolimbic system.Item Pharmacological depletion of serotonin in the basolateral amygdala complex reduces anxiety and disrupts fear conditioning(Elsevier, 2015-11) Johnson, Philip L.; Molosh, Andrei; Fitz, Stephanie D.; Arendt, Dave; Deehan, Gerald A.; Federici, Lauren M.; Bernabe, Cristian; Engleman, Eric A.; Rodd, Zachary A.; Lowry, Christopher A.; Shekhar, Anantha; Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of MedicineThe basolateral and lateral amygdala nuclei complex (BLC) is implicated in a number of emotional responses including conditioned fear and social anxiety. Based on previous studies demonstrating that enhanced serotonin release in the BLC leads to increased anxiety and fear responses, we hypothesized that pharmacologically depleting serotonin in the BLC using 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) injections would lead to diminished anxiety and disrupted fear conditioning. To test this hypothesis, 5,7-DHT(a serotonin-depleting agent) was bilaterally injected into the BLC. Desipramine (a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) was systemically administered to prevent non-selective effects on norepinephrine. After 5days, 5-7-DHT-treated rats showed increases in the duration of social interaction (SI) time, suggestive of reduced anxiety-like behavior. We then used a cue-induced fear conditioning protocol with shock as the unconditioned stimulus and tone as the conditioned stimulus for rats pretreated with bilateral 5,7-DHT, or vehicle, injections into the BLC. Compared to vehicle-treated rats, 5,7-DHT rats had reduced acquisition of fear during conditioning (measured by freezing time during tone), also had reduced fear retrieval/recall on subsequent testing days. Ex vivo analyses revealed that 5,7-DHT reduced local 5-HT concentrations in the BLC by ~40% without altering local norepinephrine or dopamine concentrations. These data provide additional support for 5-HT playing a critical role in modulating anxiety-like behavior and fear-associated memories through its actions within the BLC.