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Item Adolescent and Adult Two-Bottle Choice Ethanol Drinking and Adult Impulsivity in Genetically Selected High-Alcohol Preferring Mice(2012-09-20) O'Tousa, David Scott; Grahame, Nicholas J.; Czachowski, Cristine; Boehm II, Stephen L.Abuse of alcohol during adolescence continues to be a problem, and it has been shown that earlier onset of drinking predicts increased alcohol abuse problems later in life. High levels of impulsivity have been demonstrated to be characteristic of alcoholics, and impulsivity has also been shown to predict later alcohol use in teenage subjects, showing that impulsivity may be an inherent underlying biological process that precedes the development of alcohol use disorders. These experiments examined adolescent drinking in a high-drinking, relatively impulsive mouse population, and assessed its effects on adult drinking and adult impulsivity. Experiment 1: Selectively bred High-Alcohol Preferring (HAP II) mice, which are shown to be highly impulsive, were given either alcohol (free choice access) or water only for two weeks during middle adolescence or adulthood. All mice were given free choice access to alcohol following 30 days without access, in adulthood. Experiment 2: Adolescent HAP II mice drank alcohol and water, or water alone, for two weeks, and were then trained to perform a delay discounting task as adults to measure impulsivity. In each experiment, effects of volitional ethanol consumption on later behavior were assessed. We expected adolescent alcohol exposure to increase subsequent drinking and impulsivity. Adolescent mice consumed significant quantities of ethanol, reaching average blood ethanol concentrations (BECs) of 142 mg/dl in Experiment 1 and 108 mg/dl in Experiment 2. Adult mice reached average BECs of 154 mg/dl in Experiment 2. Mice pre-exposed to alcohol in either adolescence or adulthood showed a transient increase in ethanol consumption, but we observed no differences in impulsivity in adult mice as a function of whether mice drank alcohol during adolescence. These findings indicate that HAP II mice drink intoxicating levels of alcohol during both adolescence and adulthood, and that this volitional intake has long-term effects on subsequent drinking behavior. Nonetheless, this profound exposure to alcohol during adolescence does not increase impulsivity in adulthood, indicating that long-term changes in drinking are mediated by mechanisms other than impulsivity. Importantly, this research demonstrates that the HAP II mouse is a good candidate for a model of heavy adolescent alcohol consumption.Item Agitation and impulsivity in mid and late life as possible risk markers for incident dementia(Wiley, 2020-09-06) Bateman, Daniel R.; Gill, Sascha; Hu, Sophie; Foster, Erin D.; Ruthirakuhan, Myuri T.; Sellek, Allis F.; Mortby, Moyra E.; Matušková, Veronika; Ng, Kok Pin; Tarawneh, Rawan M.; Freund‐Levi, Yvonne; Kumar, Sanjeev; Gauthier, Serge; Rosenberg, Paul B.; Oliveira, Fabricio Ferreira de; Devanand, D. P.; Ballard, Clive; Ismail, Zahinoor; Psychiatry, School of MedicineTo identify knowledge gaps regarding new‐onset agitation and impulsivity prior to onset of cognitive impairment or dementia the International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment Neuropsychiatric Syndromes (NPS) Professional Interest Area conducted a scoping review. Extending a series of reviews exploring the pre‐dementia risk syndrome Mild Behavioral Impairment (MBI), we focused on late‐onset agitation and impulsivity (the MBI impulse dyscontrol domain) and risk of incident cognitive decline and dementia. This scoping review of agitation and impulsivity pre‐dementia syndromes summarizes the current biomedical literature in terms of epidemiology, diagnosis and measurement, neurobiology, neuroimaging, biomarkers, course and prognosis, treatment, and ongoing clinical trials. Validations for pre‐dementia scales such as the MBI Checklist, and incorporation into longitudinal and intervention trials, are needed to better understand impulse dyscontrol as a risk factor for mild cognitive impairment and dementia.Item The Creation and Validation of the Activation-Valence Affective Traits Survey (AVATS)(2012-07-03) Coskunpinar, Ayca; Cyders, Melissa A.; Devine, Dennis J. (Dennis John); Stewart, Jesse C.Aim: The goals of the current studies were to (a) create a measure of affective traits that can assess both the discrete and the underlying dimensions of affective traits and (b) examine the reliability and validity of the scale in two independent samples. Participants: Participants were undergraduate students at a large, public US mid-western university (Study 1 N = 616; Study 2 N = 510). The mean age for Study 1 was 21.10 (SD = 5.05) and 21.02 for Study 2 (SD = 4.96). Design: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to examine internal factor structure of the scale. A series of correlational, reliability, and hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to examine convergent, divergent, and criterion-related validity of the new scale. Findings: Activation-Valence Affective Traits Survey (AVATS) had good reliability and adequate construct, convergent, and discriminant validity as a measure of affective traits. Conclusions: This study introduces a new scale for measuring affective traits that offers more information on both the categorical and dimensional conceptualizations of affective traits, which also has predictive utility in relation to problem-related alcohol consumption.Item THE DIFFERENT ALCOHOL USE AMONG ASIAN POPULATION IN U.S.: THE ROLE OF RACE IN THE RELATINOSHIP BETWEEN PERSONALITY/SOCIAL LEARNING AND ALCOHOL USE(Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, 2012-04-13) Koo, Chung Seung; Cyders, Melissa A.Although extensive research on alcohol use among Caucasian population has been conducted, there are only a few studies to explore an underlying mechanism of alcohol use on Asian population in U.S. Because of the risks associated with alcohol, it is important to understand the different alcohol use behaviors among Asian group in terms of personality and social learning. Extensive studies have suggested that drinking motives and alcohol expec-tancy are good proxy predictors of social and cultural learning, and impul-sivity is related to personality traits. However, there is only a few data that examine impulsivity, drinking motives, and alcohol expectancy difference by race. No studies have ever examined the mediating and moderating role of race in the relationship between impulsivity and drinking motives/alcohol expectancy on alcohol use. The goal of this poster is to review the different impulsivity, drinking motives, and alcohol expectancy among Asian popula-tion in order to elucidate the unknown mechanism of alcohol use and devel-op a theoretical model of Asian drinking. Our review of the literature indi-cates that Asians particularly endorsed high impulsive coping strategies compared to Caucasians, engaged in problematic drinking due to conformity drinking motives, and alcohol expectancies mediated the relationship be-tween impulsivity and alcohol use only for Asian group. These findings sug-gest that the role of culture and race has crucial influence on Asian drinking pattern in U.S. and needs to be empirically examined in the future studies.Item Editorial: Heavy Adolescent Alcohol Use: An Accelerant of Impulsivity?(Elsevier, 2021-05) Crum, Kathleen I.; Hulvershorn, Leslie; Pediatrics, School of MedicineItem Effects of Intoxicating Free-Choice Alcohol Consumption During Adolescence on Drinking and Impulsivity During Adulthood in Selectively Bred High Alcohol Preferring Mice(Wiley, 2013-01) O’Tousa, David Scott; Matson, Liana Marie; Grahame, Nicholas Joseph; Department of Psychology, School of ScienceBackground— Abuse of alcohol during adolescence continues to be a problem, and it has been shown that earlier onset of drinking predicts increased alcohol abuse problems later in life. High levels of impulsivity have been demonstrated to be characteristic of alcoholics, and impulsivity has also been shown to predict later alcohol use in teenage subjects, showing that impulsivity may precede the development of alcohol use disorders. These experiments examined adolescent drinking in a high-drinking, relatively impulsive mouse population, and assessed its effects on adult drinking and adult impulsivity. Methods— Experiment 1: Selectively bred High-Alcohol Preferring (HAPII) mice were given either alcohol (free choice access) or water only for two weeks during middle adolescence or adulthood. All mice were given free choice access to alcohol 30 days later, in adulthood. Experiment 2: Adolescent HAPII mice drank alcohol and water, or water alone, for two weeks, and were then trained to perform a delay discounting task as adults to measure impulsivity. In each experiment, effects of volitional ethanol consumption on later behavior were assessed. We expected adolescent alcohol exposure to increase subsequent drinking and impulsivity. Results— Mice consumed significant quantities of ethanol, reaching average blood ethanol concentrations (BECs) of 142 mg/dl (adolescent) or 154 mg/dl (adult) in Experiment 1. Adolescent mice in experiment 2 reached an average of 108 mg/dl. Mice exposed to alcohol in either adolescence or adulthood showed a transient increase in ethanol consumption, but we observed no differences in impulsivity in adult mice as a function of whether mice drank alcohol during adolescence. Conclusions— These findings indicate that HAPII mice drink intoxicating levels of alcohol during both adolescence and adulthood, and that this volitional intake has long-term effects on subsequent drinking behavior. Nonetheless, this profound exposure to alcohol during adolescence does not increase impulsivity in adulthood, indicating that long-term changes in drinking are mediated by mechanisms other than impulsivity.Item Examination of a Short Version of the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale(Elsevier B.V., 2014-09) Cyders, Melissa A.; Littlefield, Andrew K.; Coffey, Scott; Karyadi, Kenny A.; Department of Psychology, School of ScienceThe current study examines a recently developed short version of the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale. Participants were 251 undergraduate students (59.3% male; mean age = 21.16 ( SD = 4.18); 72% Caucasian). The short version generally replicated the internal consistency (0.74 – 0.88 across subscales) and inter-scale correlations of the full UPPS-P. Moreover, the estimated loss of shared variance was small (0% – 6.4% reductions across subscales) as compared to a 66% time- savings. Structural equation modeling replicated previously supported factor structures and relationships to external outcomes using the full UPPS-P. The short UPPS-P scale should be considered a valid and reliable alternative to the full UPPS-P.Item THE NEURAL CORRELATES OF EMOTION REGULATION AND URGENCY(Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, 2012-04-13) Karyadi, Kenny A.; Coskunpinar, Ayca; Cyders, Melissa A.Recent studies have indicated five distinct facets of impulsivity related personality traits—each differentially related to risky behaviors. These facets are: sensation seeking, positive and negative urgency, premeditation, and perseverance. Urgency, defined as a tendency to behave impulsively in face of strong emotions, has been found to be the most consistent predictor of a number of problematic risky behaviors—including problematic substance use, pathological gambling, and problematic eating behaviors. It has been theorized that this relationship between urgency and problematic risky be-haviors can be attributed to an underlying dysfunction in the ability to regu-late emotions. No studies have examined the neural correlates of the urgen-cy facets. However, prior studies have looked at the neural correlates of emotion regulation, which is an aspect of the urgency facets. The intention of this poster is to review the neural correlates of emotion regulation in or-der to elucidate the neural mechanisms underlying the urgency facets. Our review of the literature indicates that the amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex are involved in emotion regulation. Particularly, emotion regulation processes may be attributed to the independent and syn-ergistic functioning of these regions. These findings indicate that urgency and possibly other impulsivity related personality traits may have measura-ble neural correlates. Moreover, these findings also introduce the possibility of targeting neural dysfunctions in order to reduce emotionally driven impul-siveness and consequent problematic behaviors.Item Risks, Risk Factors, and Outcomes Associated with Phone and Internet Sexting Among University Students in the United States(Springer, 2015-08) Dir, Ally L.; Cyders, Melissa A.; Department of Psychology, School of ScienceSexting, defined as the exchange of sexually suggestive pictures or messages via mobile phone or social networking sites (SNS), has received media attention for its prevalence and associated negative outcomes; however, research has not yet fully established risk factors for and resulting outcomes from sexting behaviors. The current study was the first empirical test of a causal path model in males and females, in which impulsivity-related traits and expectancies influence sexual behaviors through phone and SNS sexting. We also examined prevalence and perceived likelihood of common negative outcomes associated with sexting. Multiple regression and structural equation modeling (SEM) statistics were conducted on two independent undergraduate samples (n = 611 and 255). The best fitting SEM model (RMSEA = 0.04, CFI = 0.96, TLI = 0.94, and χ2 = 176.06, df = 75, p < .001) demonstrated a significant indirect effect of sensation seeking on phone sexting behaviors through sex-related sexting expectancies and a significant indirect effect of sensation seeking on sexual hookup behaviors through phone sexting behaviors (b = 0.06, p = .03), but only for females. Reverse mediations and mediation with SNS were not significant. Negative outcomes were rare: sexts being spread to others was the most common negative sexting experience (n = 21, 12 %). This study suggests the viability of personality and expectancies affecting sexual hookup behaviors through engagement in sexting behaviors. It also suggests that although direct negative outcomes associated with sexting are thought to be common, they were rare in the current sample.Item Studying Measurement Invariance and Differential Validity of the Short UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale across Racial Groups(2021-12) Liu, Melissa; Cyders, Melissa; Zapolski, Tamika; Wu, WeiPrevious research has identified impulsive personality traits as significant risk factors for a wide range of risk-taking behavior, substance use, and clinical problems. Most work has been conducted in primarily White samples, leaving it unclear whether these patterns generalize to racial and ethnic minorities, who have higher rates of negative consequences of substance use behavior. The most widely used assessment of impulsive traits is the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior scale, which has strong psychometric properties across demographic subgroups, such as gender and age; however, data supporting its use in racial and ethnic minorities is less well-developed. The aims of this study are to 1) examine the measurement invariance of the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale-Short Form (Cyders et al., 2014) across racial minority groups and 2) determine if impulsive personality traits differentially relate to substance use outcomes across racial groups. Participants were 1301 young adults (ages 18-35, fluent in English), recruited through an online survey for both college students at a large public university and Mechanical Turk, a crowdsourcing online platform. Measurement invariance was assessed using multigroup confirmatory factor analysis. Differential validity was assessed using a structural equation modeling framework. I established model fit for each racial group (White group: RMSEA= .067, CFI= .94; Black group: RMSEA= .071, 90% CFI= .952; Asian American group: RMSEA= .073, CFI= .94; Hispanic group: RMSEA=.081, CFI=.934). Based on change in CFI/RMSEA indices, I concluded strong measurement invariance of the Short UPPS-P as a valid scale of impulsive behavior across racial groups. In the White group, findings indicated significant relationships between multiple SUPPS-P traits and alcohol and substance use. In the Asian American group, positive relationships were found between sensation and alcohol use (p=.015) and negative urgency and drug use (p=.020). I found that there were no differences in the relationships between the Short UPPS-P traits and substance use outcomes across White and the racial and ethnic groups studied (p’s>.06).