Defining the Role: Pediatric Art Therapist
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In pediatrics, there are various teams of professionals working to help medically fragile children develop and maintain coping capacities amidst their traumatic situations. In recent years the need for these professionals has continually increased. This research is in efforts to further define one of these professions, pediatric art therapists and how they work in the medical setting. This study was designed to help to clarify common misconceptions of a medical art therapist's role in conjunction with other auxiliary staff. It was hypothesized that this research would clarify the pediatric art therapy role, allowing for better use of art therapy for their hiring employers and their patients. This qualitative study used a simple descriptive survey design to gather data about medical art therapists job descriptions and interpretations. Results reported from the survey showed a variety of credentials, position titles, job descriptions and interpretations of roles across the board. The better an art therapist understands their role in different settings, like a pediatric hospital, the better they can provide for these settings, adapting their skills to precisely what these job postings are requesting.