Service and Learning Scholarship at IUPUI

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Peer reviewed research and scholarship related to or involving service and learning at IUPUI.


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    The Articulated Learning: An Approach to Guided Reflection and Assessment
    (2004) Ash, Sarah L.; Clayton, Patti H.
    The value of reflection on experience to enhance learning has been advanced for decades; however, it remains difficult to apply in practice. This paper describes a reflection model that pushes students beyond superficial interpretations of complex issues and facilitates academic mastery, personal growth, civic engagement, critical thinking, and the meaningful demonstration of learning. Although developed in a service-learning program, its general features can support reflection on a range of experiences. It is accessible to both students and instructors, regardless of discipline; and it generates written products that can be used for formative and summative assessment of student learning.
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    Assessing Civic Engagement at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
    (Wiley Online Library, 2014) Pike, Gary R.; Bringle, Robert G.; Hatcher, Julie A.
    Faculty and staff at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) have developed several tools to assess campus civic engagement initiatives. This chapter describes the IUPUI Faculty Survey and the Civic-Minded Graduate Scale, and reports on findings from campus-based assessment and research.
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    The Role of Service-Learning on the Retention of First-Year Students to Second Year
    (2010) Bringle, Robert G.; Hatcher, Julie A.; Muthiah, Richard N.
    Retention of college students is a priority of all colleges and universities. This research investigated whether or not student enrollment in a service-learning course in the fall semester of college was related to (a) intentions to stay on that campus, based on self-reports at the end of the semester, and (b) reenrollment the following fall on that campus, based on reports from campus registrars the following fall. Enrollment in a service-learning course was related to intentions to continue at the same campus and this relationship was mediated by the higher quality of service-learning courses (vs. non service-learning courses). This relationship between service-learning and intentions to re-enroll at the same campus held even when pre-course intentions were covaried out. Re-enrollment at the same campus the following year was found to be related to enrollment in a service-learning course. This relationship was mediated by the higher quality of the service-learning courses (vs. non-service-learning courses) and greater intention to continue education at the campus, but these relationships did not persist after controlling for pre-course intentions.
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    Engaging and Supporting Faculty in Service Learning
    (1997) Bringle, Robert G.; Hatcher, Julie A.; Games, Richard
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    Sustaining Civic Engagement: Faculty Development, Roles, and Rewards
    (2006) Bringle, Robert G.; Hatcher, Julie A.; Jones, Steven; Plater, William M.
    Civic engagement of students, faculty, and staff is identified as central to the mission of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Although nearly all of the Campus Compact Indicators of Engagement could be cited as mechanisms through which IUPUI’s civic engagement mission is supported (Bringle and Hatcher 2004), this article will focus on faculty roles and rewards. Following an introduction that describes the university’s core mission and values with respect to civic engagement, the discussion will focus on specific policies, procedures, and programs to support faculty roles and rewards for civic engagement. A conceptual framework for faculty development, based on experiential learning theory (Kolb 1984) is used to organize a description of faculty development activities to promote civic engagement.
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    Conceptualizing Civic Engagement: Orchestrating Change at a Metropolitan University
    (2007) Bringle, Robert G.; Hatcher, Julie A.; Holland, Barbara
    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) has undertaken numerous initiatives over the past fifteen years that have contributed to the development, clarification, and increased understanding of civic engagement and its related components. This case study demonstrates how advancing the public purposes of higher education requires the commitment, persistence, vision, and good judgment of many, but in particular the Chief Academic Officer, who assumes pivotal responsibility for civic engagement as a fundamental aspect of faculty work and student learning.
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    The Relationship between Enrollment in Service Learning Courses and Deep Approaches to Learning: A Campus Study
    (2015) Hahn, Thomas W.; Hatcher, Julie A.
    Utilizing 2012 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) data for both freshmen and senior students on a college campus, this study isolates the influence of participation in service learning courses on freshmen and senior students’ application of deep approaches to learning. Deep learning, as compared to surface learning, describes the extent to which a student engages in the learning process. Students who use deep learning strategies make more robust connections to course material by emphasizing learning activities such as integration, synthesis, and reflection. By making deeper connections, students focus on both the substance and the underlying meaning of their studies. Students learn to apply the knowledge gained to real life situations and successfully integrate this with prior learning. Multiple linear regression results for both freshmen and senior students suggest that students’ use of deep approaches to learning increased as their participation in service learning courses increased, adjusting for student characteristics and participation in other high impact practices. These findings provide a rationale for institutions to support faculty who engage with their community partners to develop service learning courses. For faculty who teach service learning courses, these findings support the value, from an institutional perspective, of the work that they do.
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    Analyzing Morton's Typology of Service Paradigms and Integrity
    (2006) Bringle, Robert G.; Hatcher, Julie A.; McIntosh, Rachel E.
    Research on college students found limited support for Morton’s (1995) hypothesis that students have a preference for one distinct type of service orientation (i.e., charity, project, social change). The findings did replicate previous findings that college students prefer the charity paradigm. A measure of integrity was developed and two dimensions were identified that possessed distinct correlates. As Morton predicted, as the degree of integrity increased the preference for a distinct type of service became blurred, suggesting that developing integrity should be an intentional educational goal and it might be aided by exposing students to all three approaches to community service. Implications for service-learning educators are discussed.
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    Meaningful Measurement of Theory-Based Service-Learning Outcomes: Making the Case with Quantitative Research
    (2000) Bringle, Robert G.; Hatcher, Julie A.
    Research is most beneficial when the design of research is guided by a theory and when the information that is gained through data collection is relevant to supporting, developing, refining, and revising a theory. The practice of service-learning will be improved when we understand the conditions that increase the likelihood of service-learning classes reaching intended educational outcomes. This article provides recommendations for generating meaningful information about service-learning that include evaluating hypotheses derived from theory, using multiple-item measures of theoretical constructs, using designs that allow causal inferences to be made, and making appropriate theoretical and practical generalizations from research.
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    What about Service-Learning Matters?
    (2015-09-30) Hatcher, Julie A.; Hahn, Thomas W.
    Using a Taxonomy to Identify Variables to Improve Research and Practice