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    (2023) TESt
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    This is an attempt to use HMTL
    In an abstract.
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    Marketing: An Introductory Text
    (Indiana University, 2022) Donahue, Kim
    There are many excellent Introduction to Marketing textbooks on the market. Since most professors emphasize some parts and not others, and as some terminology is author specific, this OER was designed to emphasize the material the author emphasizes in class and to focus on a minimalistic approach, allowing the instructor to provide additional insights. This text addresses the basic marketing concepts of marketing research, STP, product ,place, price, and promotion. Digital marketing is addressed but not emphasized as the author considers it a very effective and important tool to implement marketing concepts and strategies. This text stresses the role of marketing in strategic planning and how the specific concepts and strategies fit into the organization’s strategic plan.
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    Performance Feedback and Productivity: Evidence from a Field Experiment
    (Wiley, 2022) Awaysheh, Amrou; Bonet, Rocio; Ortega, Jaime; Kelley School of Business - Indianapolis
    We theorize that employees use the performance feedback they receive to reassess their beliefs about the marginal benefit of their effort, which may lead them to increase or reduce their effort. To test our model, we conduct a field experiment at the distribution center of a Fortune 500 firm where employees receive individual performance pay, and we study two types of feedback, individual and relative. The results show that employees react to feedback content in a way that is consistent with the model: they increase their effort if the information provided implies that the marginal benefit of increasing effort is high and decrease it if they learn that it is low. Moreover, performance feedback has a greater impact on the lower quantiles of the distribution of productivity.
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    With a Little Help from our Friends: Teaching Collectives as Lifelines in Troublesome Times
    (Indiana University, 2021-04-09) Jettpace, Lynn; Miller, Leslie; Frank, Mary Ann; Clemons, Michelle Lynn; Goldfarb, Nancy; Kelley School of Business - Indianapolis
    Emergencies have a way of changing the orientation of faculty from academic projects to surviving the unknown and coping with change. Many faculty members, because they frequently work independently, often lack support structures through which they can engage in mutual aid during times of crisis. The authors recently discovered that having a community of colleagues with whom to share ideas has made them more resilient to changing circumstances. While the Civility Community of Practice at IUPUI has been meeting since 2014 as an interdisciplinary research collective, it transitioned to a weekly online teaching and support seminar in response to the university’s unexpected move to online course delivery on account of the pandemic. This reflective essay will examine the transformative possibilities of a teaching collective in the face of crisis. From the onset of the crisis, each of the authors had personal and teaching challenges that the group’s Zoom meetings resolved. The weekly meetings involved sharing teaching tips but also basic survival strategies, tips they never imagined discussing with professional colleagues. In addition to discussing the elements that make a successful learning community, this essay will include reflections by each of the five community members about how the Zoom meetings helped them adapt to and navigate their personal and professional lives during the pandemic. In these individual reflections, the authors will discuss how moving their courses online challenged their teaching practices, motivated their experimentation with Zoom, and transformed their online classroom to impact the student learning experience.
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    With a Little Help from our Friends: Teaching Collectives as Lifelines in Troublesome Times
    (IUPUI, 2021) Clemons, Michelle Lynn; Frank, Mary Ann; Jettpace, Lynn; Miller, Leslie; Kelley School of Business - Indianapolis
    Faculty members often lack support structures in which they can support each other in crisis. The authors recently discovered that sharing ideas with a community of colleagues has made them more resilient. The Civility Community of Practice (CoP) at IUPUI transitioned to a weekly online teaching and support seminar in response to the university’s unexpected move to online course delivery on account of the pandemic.
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    To What Do I Owe This Visit? The Drawbacks and Benefits of In-Role and Non-Role Intrusions
    (SAGE, 2021-05-21) Bush, John T.; Baer, Michael D.; Welsh, David T.; Outlaw, Ryan; Garud, Niharika; Sessions, Hudson; Kelley School of Business - Indianapolis
    Workplace intrusions—unexpected encounters initiated by another person that disrupt an individual’s work—are generally characterized as negative experiences that deplete resources, increase role and information overload, and promote strain. In contrast, our research argues that intrusions may also provide benefits to the employees who are intruded upon. Taking a multistudy approach, we investigate how intrusions impact the extent to which employees engage in their own work—work engagement—and the extent to which they engage in work with others—collaboration. We also investigate the indirect effects of intrusions on employees’ task-focused and person-focused citizenship behavior through these mechanisms. We tested our predictions with a within-person experimental critical incident study (Study 1), an experiment (Study 2), and an experience-sampling methodology study with a sample of scientists involved in research and development (Study 3). Our research investigates the dynamics of various types of workplace intrusions, with results suggesting that intrusions may lead to beneficial employee outcomes in addition to the adverse outcomes previously demonstrated in the literature. Given the ubiquitous nature of intrusions in organizations, our findings have both theoretical and practical significance.
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    Does Renewable Energy Renew the Endeavor in Energy Efficiency?
    (2022-03-29) Awaysheh, Amrou; Chen, Christopher; Wu, Owen Q.
    Improvement in energy efficiency (EE) has slowed globally since 2015 and is now falling short of the 2.6% per year target recommended by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, despite an abundance of EE opportunities. Barriers to EE have existed long before the rise in renewable energy (RE) investment. However, increased RE adoption may have unintended consequences for improving EE as adoption may raise or lower the barriers to EE. In this paper, we examine whether and how RE adoption can increase or decrease EE improvement. On the one hand, RE represent a competitor to EE for managerial attention and budget. On the other, the adoption of RE may increase the overall awareness of energy usage and drive EE improvement. Using site-level data from an industrial conglomerate, we estimate the impact of changes in RE usage and in the acquisition approach on the EE of 183 manufacturing sites across the globe from 2015 to 2020. On average, we find that using RE to meet 10% more of a site’s energy demand led to an additional 2.0% improvement in EE. However, there is significant heterogeneity in the effects depending on the acquisition approach. We find that while purchasing RE credits or entering into power purchase agreements led to gains in EE, installing on-site RE generators had no effect. To understand these gains, we surveyed site managers regarding their attitudes and intentions. The results suggest that there was a greater focus on EE by both managers and workers after increasing their RE usage. We also find quantitative evidence of managers submitting more budget requests for EE improvements in the twelve months following increases in RE. For corporations looking to use more RE, we offer evidence of additional returns in the form of energy savings, but realizing them requires careful consideration of the acquisition approach of RE.
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    Making Theoretically Informed Choices in Specifying Panel-Data Models
    (Wiley, 2021) Ketokivi, Mikko; Bromiley, Philip; Awaysheh, Amrou
    We argue that in analyzing panel-data econometric models, researchers rely excessively on statistical criteria to determine model specification, treating it primarily as a matter of statistical inference. This inferential emphasis is most obvious in the common practice of using statistical tests (e.g., the Hausman test) to choose between fixed- and random-effects specifications, often ignoring the assumptions underpinning these tests. For instance, the Hausman test depends on the true within-panel (longitudinal) and between-panel (cross-sectional) parameters being equal. This assumption is often not justified, because longitudinal and cross-sectional variances and covariances may manifest different underpinning mechanisms. In addition to different mechanisms often resulting in different variables determining within and between effects, within and between variables may also have different meanings. To help researchers make theoretically informed choices, we formulate five questions that can guide researchers to think of model specification in a theoretically rigorous way. We examine these issues with examples from both general management and operations management research. Importantly, we argue that addressing the questions regarding model specification must involve primarily theoretical and contextual judgment, not statistical tests.
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    Stock Market Rewards for Earnings that Beat Analyst Earnings Forecasts when the Economy is Unforecastable
    (SSRN, 2021) Baik, Bok; Duong, Hong Kim; Farber, David B.; Shaw, Kenneth W.; Kelley School of Business - Indianapolis
    This study examines whether and why the stock market assigns an incremental premium to the act of beating analyst earnings forecasts when the economy is unforecastable. Our study uses a novel measure of macroeconomic (macro) uncertainty from Jurado et al. (2015) that captures periods during which the real economy is not forecastable and a regression model that controls for the forecast error throughout the quarter. Results show that during high macro uncertainty periods, the market assigns a greater premium to earnings that beat analyst earnings forecasts compared to the premium assigned to these earnings during low macro uncertainty periods. We also report a lower likelihood of managing earnings to beat analyst earnings forecasts during high macro uncertainty periods, suggesting higher accounting information quality. We further show that the incremental premium in high macro uncertainty periods is mainly concentrated within the group of firms that have both low liquidity risk and high accounting information quality. Evidence from our study should be relevant to those interested in understanding the usefulness of earnings during periods of extreme macro uncertainty and forces that determine accounting information quality.