Robert G. Bringle, Ph.D. - Selected Works

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Chancellor's Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Philanthropic Studies, Psychology
Kulynych/Cline Visiting Distinguished Professor, Appalachian State University (2012-2015)
Primary Appointment: Chancellor's Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Philanthropic Studies; Senior Scholar, IUPUI Center for Service and Learning

Dr. Bringle's work as Executive Director of the IUPUI Center for Service and Learning from 1994-2012 resulted in an expansion of the number of service learning courses, a curriculum for faculty development, a Community Service Scholars program, an America Reads tutoring program, and a HUD Community Outreach Partnership Center. The IUPUI service learning program was ranked 8th best in the nation among all colleges and universities in 2002 and has been listed among the best programs each subsequent year. IUPUI received a Presidential Award in 2006 as part of the first President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. His scholarly interests for service learning, community service, and civic engagement include student and faculty attitudes and motives, educational outcomes, institutionalization, and assessment and measurement issues.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 10 of 37
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    From Teaching Democratic Thinking to Developing Democratic Civic Identity
    (Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, 2015) Bringle, Robert G.; Clayton, Patti H.; Bringle, Kathryn E.
    Using theory and research from the cognitive and social sciences as well as the literature of service-learning and community-campus engagement, we critically examine an over-emphasis on democratic thinking as the primary construct of interest in American higher education’s efforts to prepare young people for meaningful participation in democracy. We propose developing democratic civic identity as a more appropriate superordinate goal than teaching democratic thinking. We examine relationships between and among cognition, behavior, and attitudes generally and within the context of democratically-engaged community-campus partnerships and democratic critical reflection as a basis for developing and refining persons as civic agents in a diverse democracy. We conclude with implications of the analysis for service-learning—a pedagogy that, when designed and implemented accordingly, provides a uniquely powerful means to cultivate democratic civic identity.
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    “I Am So Angry I Could . . . Help!” The nature of Empathic Anger
    (2018) Bringle, Robert G.; Hedgepath, Ashley; Wall, Elizabeth
    Empathy is widely viewed as a precursor to civic engagement, a mediator of other responses during civic engagement, and an outcome resulting from civic engagement. However, empathic sadness is can be biased toward helping a lone victim, a member of an in-group, a person who is physically nearby, and an individual who is personally identified. Alternatively, empathic anger occurs when an observer experiences anger, rather than sadness, on behalf of a victim as the basis for inferring social injustice and for taking action. Empathic anger represents an untapped dimension of motivation that is not captured within other approaches to motives for civic engagement. This article details three studies which found that those reporting higher empathic anger were altruistic, not aggressive, oriented toward advocacy rather than charitable service, nonprejudicial, endorsed a social justice perspective, and active in communities outside (and independent) of campus activities. Implications for future research on motives for civic engagement are presented as well as implications for designing service-learning courses to promote empathic anger as a basis for action directed at social justice issues.
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    Hybrid High-Impact Pedagogies: Integrating Service-Learning with Three Other High-Impact Pedagogies
    (Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 2017) Bringle, Robert G.
    This article proposes enhancing student learning through civic engagement by considering the advantages of integrating service-learning with study away, research, and internships and pre-professional courses into first-order, second-order, and third-order hybrid high-impact pedagogies. Service-learning contributes numerous attributes to the other pedagogies (e.g., civic learning, regular and structured reflection, reciprocal partnerships, diversity, democratic values) that can produce outcomes that are more extensive, more robust, more transformational, and more distinctive than traditional pedagogies or a single high-impact practice. Possibilities for future research and implications for course design and implementation are proffered.
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    Integrating Service Learning and Digital Technologies: Examining the Challenge and the Promise
    (RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2020) Bringle, Robert G.; Clayton, Patti H.
    Our intent is to frame the integration of service learning and digital technologies broadly in teaching and learning and to explore some of the complexities of the challenge and the promise, thereby setting up readers’ engagement with the questions and issues that follow in the papers of RIED. We seek to provide perspectives that may contribute to subsequent implementation of pedagogical innovations and research that will improve practice and, in turn outcomes for all. We begin by offering an overview of the what’s and why’s of service learning. We then examine some of the how’s of service learning in the context of its integration with digital technologies. Finally, we explore several issues that may shape new developments at the interface of these two pedagogical innovations.
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    Strengthening Community Schools Through University Partnerships
    (2013) Officer, Starla D.H.; Grim, Jim; Medina, Monica A.; Bringle, Robert G.; Foreman, Alyssa
    Given the mounting call for academic achievement gains in America’s public schools— particularly urban schools labeled “failing”—the need for community engagement to tackle a host of underlying social challenges warrants the resources of the nation’s colleges and universities (Harkavy & Hartley, 2009). Because colleges and universities are often underutilized anchors of resources in communities, coordinated alignment of K-12 and higher education goals can create a seamless pipeline of educational attainment for communities challenged to produce high academic achievement. Higher education’s engagement with community schools further helps to address the whole child and their families in K-12 education by expanding the opportunities for the students and community to access necessary support services. Drawing upon experiences of Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) and collaboration with its adjacent neighborhoods, this article illustrates the transformative and relevant impact of university and community engagement, as well as new pedagogical approaches to teaching, learning, and training. This article reflects upon the experiences of IUPUI and nearby George Washington Community High School as it can uniquely serve as a roadmap for other school community/university partnerships that are interested in embarking upon a similar education reform path.
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    The prevalence and nature of unrequited love
    (2013) Bringle, Robert G.; Winnick, Terri A.; Rydell, Robert J.
    Unrequited love (UL) is unreciprocated love that causes yearning for more complete love. Five types of UL are delineated and conceptualized on a continuum from lower to greater levels of interdependence: crush on someone unavailable, crush on someone nearby, pursuing a love object, longing for a past lover, and an unequal love relationship. Study 1a found all types of UL relationships to be less emotionally intense than equal love and 4 times more frequent than equal love during a 2-year period. Study 1b found little evidence for limerent qualities of UL. Study 2 found all types of UL to be less intense than equal love on passion, sacrifice, dependency, commitment, and practical love, but more intense than equal love on turmoil. These results suggest that UL is not a good simulation of true romantic love, but an inferior approximation of that ideal.
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    Investigating faculty learning in the context of community-engaged scholarship
    (2012) Jameson, J.K.; Clayton, P.H.; Jaeger, A.J.; Bringle, Robert G.
    This study investigates faculty learning resulting from a faculty development program implemented at North Carolina State University to build capacity for community-engaged scholarship (CES). Previous work done under the auspices of Community Campus Partnerships for Health is extended by modifying an extant scale used to assess CES competencies and adding a retrospective pre-test to account for response-shift bias. This study also builds upon earlier work on assessment of student learning through the use of reflection by examining reflection products written by faculty at three points during the 12-month program. Quantitative analysis of responses to the CES competencies scale indicated a significant response-shift bias (participants overestimated their knowledge about CES at the start of the program). Qualitative investigation of participants’ reflection products suggests they learned new language for CES, achieved new discoveries about their community-engaged work, and often redefined their scholarly identities through the lens of engaged scholarship. Implications of this study include the value-added by examining faculty learning through reflection products as well as self-report scales, the need to build faculty capacity for learning through reflection, and the proposal of new strategies for documenting faculty learning from faculty development programs.
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    Service Learning Research Primer
    (2009) Steinberg, Kathryn S.; Bringle, Robert G.; Williams, Matthew J.
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    Reflection: Connecting Service to Academic Learning
    (2009) Hatcher, Julie A.; Bringle, Robert G.