Volume 20, Number 2 (2001)

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    Indiana Libraries Submission Guidelines
    (H.W. Wilson Company, 2001) Indiana Libraries
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    Reaching Out to Seniors
    (H.W. Wilson Company, 2001) Byers, Jo Ann
    Senior citizens are an important segment of the Warsaw Community Public Library’s (WCPL) constituency. We are constantly looking for ways to reach out to them and to encourage them to use our services, whether or not they are able to visit our facilities. This article will briefly describe two special services that we’ve designed for those seniors who are unable to come in.
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    Indiana Library Federation Publication Subscription Information
    (H.W. Wilson Company, 2001) Indiana Libraries
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    Stewardship - PR Star of Library Advancement
    (H.W. Wilson Company, 2001) Blackstead, Katharina J.
    Stewardship, a close relative of donor/prospect cultivation, is the ongoing appreciation and provision of information to benefactors and a critical element in institutional advancement. But stewardship is more than appreciation and information. For it to be as effective as possible for library advancement, it must be packaged as public relations at its best. As Robert Wedgeworth indicates throughout his article entitled “Donor Relations as Public Relations...,” there is an inextricable link between stewardship and public relations. At the University Libraries of Notre Dame, we recognized this some years ago and began to take measured steps toward a comprehensive stewardship package. Our journey is not complete, nor has it been perfectly executed. But our progress has been good and largely effective, and we are vigilant in honing the former and eliminating the obstacles to the latter.
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    Resurrecting a Small Library
    (H.W. Wilson Company, 2001) Campbell, Stanley M.
    What can you say about a small library and not make it suspiciously reminiscent of a eulogy? Most are under-funded, understaffed, under-maintained, and often neglected by those communities served. The small community library is hardly the lifelong place of employment sought by today’s college graduate with a mound of debt and high expectations.
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    Working With the Media
    (H.W. Wilson Company, 2001) Swisher, Linda
    Have you ever read a newspaper and wondered how the advertisements fit next to the stories? Have you watched television and thought, “How do they sandwich the commercials between the shows?” Surprise No. 1: advertising drives the media. News is written to fit around advertising. Have you ever been upset at something appearing in the paper or on television, and threatened to pull your subscription, or change the channel? Surely the media outlet won’t want to lose you! Surprise No. 2: publishers hate to lose subscribers, and station managers hate to lose viewers, but their bottom line isn’t affected until they lose advertisers. If you call a newspaper to “place an ad,” you’ll be transferred to the advertising department. Surprise No. 3: your event may run for free, if you submit a media release.
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    Public Relations Primer: An Annotated Bibliography
    (H.W. Wilson Company, 2001) Colborn, Nancy Wootton
    Want to get the word out about your library, but have no idea where to start? Don’t have time to re-invent the wheel? This listing of websites, books, and journal articles will provide you with the best resources for information on public relations, marketing, outreach, and promotion. As you read through some of these resources, you may come up with so many great ideas that you can’t possibly do them all. As Marylaine Block said in The Secret of Library Marketing: Make Yourself Indispensable in American Libraries, September 2001, “You may be reading this and saying, In what possible universe will I have time to do all this stuff and still serve the people who are already coming to us? And you’re right; there’s a limit to how far we can stretch. Librarians can’t do all the things I’m recommending. But if we don’t do some of them, we will continue to be invisible. If we don’t want to settle for being good at what we do but want to be known to be good at what we do, we have to put marketing time and money into reaching out to the people who make things happen in our community.”
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    Tips and Techniques: Promoting an Academic Research Library
    (H.W. Wilson Company, 2001) Bartheld, Eric
    In some ways, a university library is the only game in town: academic research libraries exist to serve students and faculty. Where else will a faculty member go to obtain an article in ChemAbstracts? Or where else can an undergraduate find more than half a million online images from the Associate Press photo archive? Who else has 6.3 million books, 7 million manuscripts, thousands of scholarly journals, and electronic databases—all to generate new knowledge and teach the next generation of students?
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    Table of Contents
    (H.W. Wilson Company, 2001) Indiana Libraries
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    (H.W. Wilson Company, 2001) Indiana Libraries