Curriculum Activities

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    IFSAP Study Guide and Curriculum Materials
    (2013-01-30) Durrant, Summer
    A 32-page study guide that provides an overall history of the Farm Security Administration and its photographic project in Indiana and 30 curriculum resources and 40 curriculum activities.
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    Using Letters
    (2012-11-27) Durrant, Summer
    Students read letters written during the Great Depression and write an essay about the themes and issues expressed in the letters. Or, students can select an FSA photograph and write a letter to President Roosevelt about what they need.
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    Using Music
    (2012-11-27) Durrant, Summer
    In this curriculum activity, students listen to popular songs written during the Great Depression and find FSA photos that match prominent themes.
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    Putting a Photo into Words
    (2012-11-27) Durrant, Summer
    In this curriculum activity, students select one or more FSA photos that convey an idea or message and write an essay about it.
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    Writing a Shooting Script
    (2012-11-27) Durrant, Summer
    This curriculum activity has students write their own detailed shooting scripts based on the ones written by Roy Stryker for FSA photographers.
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    Making a Documentary
    (2012-11-27) Durrant, Summer
    Students work in small groups to create a docudrama of several minutes in length that incorporates Farm Security Administration photographs.
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    Farm Security Administration Photographs in Indiana: a Study Guide
    (2012-11-27) Durrant, Summer
    This study guide is meant to provide an overall history of the Farm Security Administration and its photographic project in Indiana. It provides a basis for studying the history of the photos taken in Indiana by the FSA photographers.
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    Comparing to Family Photos
    (2012-11-27) Durrant, Summer
    This curriculum activity has student compare FSA photographs with a family album or collection of photos taken during the Great Depression.
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    Indiana Then and Now
    (2012-11-27) Durrant, Summer
    Students identify FSA photographs taken in their county to see how things have changed or stayed the same.
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    Writing a Speech
    (2012-11-27) Durrant, Summer
    Students write a five minute speech that supports or opposes the work, or a specific program, of the Farm Security Administration.