High-Impact Practice (HIPs) Taxonomies

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    Capstones IUPUI High-Impact Practice Taxonomy
    (2019) Pierce, David; Zoeller, Aimee; Wood, Zebulun; Wendeln, Ken; Bishop, Charity; Engels, Erin; Powell, Amy; Poulsen, Joan; Brehl, Nick; Nickolson, Darrell
    The capstone is a signature, culminating experience that requires students to integrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions acquired during college and apply them in a situation that approximates some aspect of disciplinary practice. Students are prepared to achieve excellence in the capstone when the unit has intentionally designed a pathway that strategically places the capstone at the end of the students’ journey. In this way, the capstone is integrated and connected to the undergraduate experience, and is not a stand-alone course or experience. The Capstones Taxonomy differentiates the five attributes of capstones along three dimensions of impact. The common thread that works across all five attributes is as follows: High Impact: The capstone impacts students in the short-term for the duration of the course. The positive impact of the capstone accrues to each individual student. Higher Impact: The capstone impacts the entire class as students share experiences with each other. The impact of the capstone should be felt after the class concludes. Highest Impact: The capstone supports or advances the engagement of students with their next steps and impacts their trajectory in a lasting way. Students see the interdependent connections between their work and the world.
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    Themed Learning Communities IUPUI HIgh-Impact Practice Taxonomy
    (2018-02-27) Baker, Sara; Powell, Amy; Sabol, David; Johnson, Charlie; Orme, William; Angermeier, Lisa; Bowman, Heather
    A themed learning community (TLC) at IUPUI is a first-year seminar and two discipline-based courses linked by a theme that a group of 25 freshmen enroll in as a cohort. Themed learning communities enhance student learning by cultivating interdisciplinary understanding and integrative learning. The theme of each learning community provides a foundation for curricular connections between disciplines, and out-of-classroom experiences enhance the academic experience. The faculty team collaborates to create an integrative, supportive, and challenging learning environment designed to support first-year students, furthering IUPUI's mission of undergraduate student learning and success and community engagement through collaboration across disciplines. Purpose This Themed Learning Communities High-Impact Practice Taxonomy seeks to clearly define what makes a themed learning community at IUPUI a different student and faculty experience than the same courses taken and taught individually. Additionally, the taxonomy aims to: 1. Provide guidance for themed learning community teams in planning, developing, implementing, and reflecting on their work; 2. Provide direction to the Themed Learning Communities program for faculty development; and 3. Provide a tool for encouraging program fidelity.
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    Study Abroad High Impact Taxonomy
    (2019-07-30) Leslie, Stephanie; Monkhouse, Kevanne
    The leading professional organization for study abroad, the Forum on Education Abroad, defines study abroad as “education that occurs outside the participant’s home country.” In addition to engagement in academic courses, this can include such credit-bearing international experiences as work, volunteering, and directed travel, as long as these programs are driven to a significant degree by learning goals. The purpose of the Study Abroad Taxonomy is to: 1. Provide a resource for program leaders to develop and maintain high-quality program design and implementation by: - Identifying the key attributes essential for maximizing the overseas experience to enhance students’ intercultural learning - Encouraging program leaders to augment the depth and intensity of their program design for each attribute 2. Provide highest-quality learning experiences for students who study abroad
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    Peer Mentoring IUPUI HIgh-Impact Taxonomy
    (2018-02-19) Engler, Andrea; Minglin, Mark
    This taxonomy outlines the knowledge, skills, and techniques used during the stages of a successful mentoring relationship from beginning to end. This taxonomy lays out the process for an effective learning and mentoring relationship specifically in higher education. This taxonomy draws upon appreciative and strength-based learning theory as well as mentoring and coaching literature. The taxonomy describes five stages in detail necessary to support and challenge the student to develop self-efficacy and success. Specifically, the taxonomy is a guide to support student development, growth, to gain new perspectives, enhance skills, self-responsibility and self-regulation.
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    Service Learning Courses IUPUI High-Impact Taxonomy
    (2018-02-06) Hahn, Thomas W.; Hatcher, Julie A.; Price, Mary F.; Studer, Morgan L.
    The IUPUI Taxonomy for Service Learning Courses has the potential to contribute to the campus and to research on service learning because the taxonomy: 1) Creates a common approach in working with instructors to support the fidelity and quality of high impact teaching practices, including service learning courses. 2. Supports institutional assessment and research on high impact practices by asking instructors to report on selected course attributes (dimensions of the course design that may vary from low intensity to high intensity), and then explore the relationship between these course variables and student outcomes. 3. Informs and advances a research agenda for service learning by identifying those course attributes (i.e., variables) that may relate to student outcomes, (e.g., civic learning, academic learning, personal growth), as well as other outcomes (e.g., faculty development, community impact, community partner collaboration and satisfaction). 4.Supports institutional and multi-campus research on service learning courses through the use of a common taxonomy that describes variations in course attributes. 5. Provides a framework and approach for other institutions to either adapt or adopt the taxonomy, depending upon how service learning is conceptualized within institutional mission and context.
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    Undergraduate Research IUPUI High-Impact Practice Taxonomy
    (2018-02-19) Galli, Dominique
    Undergraduate research is defined by the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) as an inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate student that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline. Undergraduate research is recognized as a high-impact educational practice (Kuh, 2008), and its many benefits include gains in student learning (e.g., making use of primary literature, formulating research questions, logical and creative thinking) and personal gains (e.g., increased ability to work independently and greater tolerance for obstacles). Purpose: 1. Provide a resource for program leaders to develop and maintain a research-based curriculum by a. Identifying the key attributes essential for maximizing the UG research experience at various stages of student learning b. Encouraging program leaders to augment the depth and intensity of their program design for each attribute by providing appropriate learning tools 2. Provide highest-quality learning experiences for students who want to engage in research
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    Summer Bridge IUPUI High-Impact Practice Taxonomy
    (2018-02-19) Bowman, Heather; Sabol, David; Baker, Sara
    Description The IUPUI Summer Bridge Program is an intensive two-week pre-semester program for incoming freshmen delivered through an instructional team approach. The Summer Bridge student cohorts continue into the fall semester as first-year seminar classes. The program’s mission is to support entering students to make a successful transition into the life and community of IUPUI and enhance rates of retention and persistence by providing early academic and social support. The program mission aligns with the missions of IUPUI and University College to support teaching, academic excellence, and student persistence. Purpose: 1) Provide opportunities for intensive community building and institutional connection 2) Facilitate an understanding of college-level expectations 3) Deliver first-year seminar (FYS) content early and intensively (see FYS Template and Taxonomy) 4) Strengthen students’ college-level academic skills (e.g., math, writing, reading, public speaking)
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    Internships High-Impact Practice Taxonomy
    (2018-03-09) Benedict, Brian; Rust, Matthew M.
    The IUPUI Internships Taxonomy was developed to improve practice and assessment: Improving practice 1.Identifying best practices and resources for enhancing experiential learning to support and improve internship course design. 2.Coaching internship instructors and internship employers on incorporating principles of learning into internship experiences. 3.Providing higher quality learning experiences for students completing internships for credit. 4.Providing consistency in quality of experience for students across schools/majors that complete internships for credit. 5.Providing multiple avenues for students to assess and reflect upon their internship experience. 6.Building working relationships with internship sites that allow for collaboration on student learning outcomes. Improving assessment 1.Moving beyond the number of hours at the internship site being the major criterion of internship learning. 2.Collecting and assessing feedback from students and internship sites in multiple areas to improve internship courses. 3.Reflecting becomes a larger factor in assessing student learning from internship.
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    First-Year Seminars IUPUI High-Impact Practice Taxonomy
    (2018-02-19) Baker, Sara; Powell, Amy; Sabol, David; Johnson, Charlie; Orme, William; Angermeier, Lisa; Bowman, Heather
    First-year seminars are designed to assist entering students as they form connections with the IUPUI community, including other students, faculty, and advisors in a prospective major. This First-Year Seminars High-Impact Practice Taxonomy seeks to clearly define the features of First-Year Seminars as a high-impact practice. The taxonomy describes four attributes of First-Year Seminars practice along three dimensions of impact—High-Impact, Higher-Impact, and Highest-Impact.
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    ePortfolio High-Impact Practice Taxonomy
    (2019-03-19) Powell, Amy; Freeman, Tyrone; Kahn, Susan
    This ePortfolio High-Impact Practice Taxonomy seeks to clearly define the features of ePortfolios as a high-impact practice in individual courses, across degree and co-curricular programs, and across entire undergraduate experiences. The taxonomy describes four attributes of ePortfolio practice along three dimensions of impact—High-Impact, Higher-Impact, and Highest-Impact. For the purpose of supporting student success the taxonomy aims to: 1. Provide guidance for course instructors, program directors, and campus administrators in planning, developing, implementing, and reflecting on ePortfolios in the context of course, curriculum, and program development; 2. Provide direction to campus ePortfolio professional development efforts; and 3. Provide a tool for encouraging program fidelity.