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This collection includes selected works created by Mary F. Price.


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    Integrating Civic Learning into the STEM Classroom: An orientation and selected resources.
    (2017-11-02) Price, Mary F.
    Resource Guide to accompany the CIRTL Network Series entitled "Integrating Civic Learning into STEM" offered as a two part series on November 2nd and 9th, 2017. The guide provides starter resources for instructors seeking to enhance STEM curricula through the integration of civic rich learning experiences, including but not limited to service-learning.
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    Scholarly/Professional Identity Mapping (SIM).
    (2019-01-28) Price, Mary F.
    Scholarly Identity Mapping (SIM) is one of a package of tools practitioner-scholars can use to clarify their understanding of their professional and scholarly identities and sense of calling as expressed through their values and public purposes. SIM supports individuals in reflect on the integrative dimensions of their work, with special attention given to public engagement and the public purposes of higher education. SIM can also be implemented within a cohort or as part of a coaching process, called Scholar Whispering (Price, 2018), that supports practitioner-scholars at all career stages in their agenda setting, project and career planning as well as documentation publicly engaged, translational and service-based scholarship. This resource presents provide a self-directed resource guide to complete SIM.
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    Integrated work lives and identities: Coaching in support of "complete and connected scholars."
    (2018-03-28) Price, Mary F.
    This resource provides an overview of an emerging faculty coaching process called Scholar Whispering. The resource describe keys tools developed for use in Scholar Whispering including Scholarly Identity Mapping, Scholarly Activity Mapping & Collaborative Relationship Mapping. These tools were developed for use with community engaged faculty and civic professionals to foster enhanced professional agency, reduce barriers to retention and success, and contribute to the growth of praxis in engaged work.
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    Scholarly Identity Mapping (SIM), V.7, I‐CELER: A reflection activity to support STEM faculty in living into their values and claiming academic identities grounded in public purpose and social responsibility (Learning Resource).
    (2018-08) Price, Mary F.
    Scholarly Identity Mapping [SIM] is a sense making activity and process that invites academic professionals to describe, examine and graphically represent who they are, what they value and the public purposes of their work. The specific social identity under examination through this activity are facets of one's professional/academic identity(ies). SIM consists of two parts and includes directed readings, guided writing and instructions that lead to the production of two kinds of “identity” maps: one dedicated to values and a second that integrates values with one’s perceptions of the means and ultimate ends of their academic work across teaching, research & creative activity and service. For the purposes of the I‐CELER Faculty Learning Community, we will use SIM as an entry point to examine our academic identities paying particular attention to how our understandings of ourselves, our roles, values and purposes express an ethos that we carry into the classroom, lab, field and community – giving particular attention to our roles as educators. The version of SIM presented here has been adapted from a prior version (Price& Hatcher, 2013; Price, 2016 a,b; 2018) developed to support the development and advancement of community engaged faculty and academic staff. The current version has been adjusted to support STEM colleagues in enhancing their agency and self-efficacy leading to shifts in instructional and reflective practice. It is asserted that a focus on identity and ethos among STEM faculty will yield improvement in the quality of ethics education in participating STEM departments.
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    Transforming Assessment Practice Through the Lens of Democratic Engagement - PPT
    (2018) Price, Mary F.; Bandy, J.; Clayton, P. H.; Gale, S.; Metzker, J.
    Is your assessment practice value-laden, value-free or value-neutral? What role do your own value commitments play when you design learning assessments or program evaluation metrics? What impact do values have on outcomes? This session introduces an emerging framework, Democratically Engaged Assessment (DEA) that attends to these questions. DEA reimagines assessment as a cultural practice through which we can transform our universities, our communities, and ourselves. Participants will use the model to surface values inherent in our assessments and explore implications of using the framework to inform how we assess and what becomes the focus of assessment with students, faculty, staff, community partners, and institutions.
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    Transforming Assessment Practice Through the Lens of Democratic Engagement - handouts
    (2018) Price, Mary F.; Bandy, J.; Clayton, P.H.; Gale, S.; Metzker, J.
    Is your assessment practice value-laden, value-free or value-neutral? What role do your own value commitments play when you design learning assessments or program evaluation metrics? What impact do values have on outcomes? This session introduces an emerging framework, Democratically Engaged Assessment (DEA) that attends to these questions. DEA reimagines assessment as a cultural practice through which we can transform our universities, our communities, and ourselves. Participants will use the model to surface values inherent in our assessments and explore implications of using the framework to inform how we assess and what becomes the focus of assessment with students, faculty, staff, community partners, and institutions.
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    Democratically engaged assessment: Reimagining the purposes and practices of assessment in community engagement
    (2018) Bandy, J.; Price, Mary F.; Clayton, P. H.; Metzker, J.; Nigro, G.; Stanlick, S.; Etheridge Woodson, S.; Bartel, A.; Gale, S.
    This document is a project of reclamation and transformation, one that is both ongoing and rooted in years of dialogue within Imagining America and the work of its Assessing Practices of Public Scholarship research group (APPS). It emerges from our own experiences with assessment related to community engagement and from those of many other colleagues on campuses and in diverse communities. It is intended to bring together those who wish to reimagine assessment in light of its civic potential — to develop what we refer to as Democratically Engaged Assessment (DEA).
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    Guiding principles for global health volunteer and academic service-learning experience at IUPUI
    (2018-04-16) Price, Mary F.; Leslie, Stephanie; Mulholland, James; Christy, Lisa; Custer, Jennifer; Brann, Maria; Besing, Kari L.
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    Supporting University-wide Institutional Change in Global Health Volunteerism: A Case in Progress
    (2018-04-16) Price, Mary F.; Leslie, Stephanie; Mulholland, James; Christy, Lisa; Custer, Jennifer; Brann, Maria; Besing, Kari L.
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    Ethical Engagement Vignettes
    (2018-04-16) Price, Mary F.; Leslie, Stephanie; Mulholland, James; Christy, Lisa; Custer, Jennifer; Brann, Maria; Besing, Kari L.