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    Unequal access: Tobacco Retail in the Indianapolis Metro Area
    (The Polis Center, Indiana University at Indianapolis, 2017-07) Comer, Karen; Davila, Kelly; Hollon, Deb; Nowlin, Matt
    Retail access to various smoking products is an important consideration when discussing community action to improve a community’s health. Studies show that tobacco outlet density and proximity are linked to tobacco use–particularly in poor areas. We used socioeconomic data culled from the SAVI community information system to examine the density and proximity of tobacco outlets relative to vulnerable communities in Marion County. The report serves as a companion piece to the IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health’s September 2016 Report on the Tobacco Epidemic in Marion County and Indiana.
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    Leveraging Wikidata to Build Scholarly Profiles as Service
    (University of Victoria Libraries, 2022-07-27) Lemus-Rojas, Mairelys; Odell, Jere D.; Brys, Lucille Frances; Ramirez Rojas, Mirian
    In this article, the authors share the different methods and tools utilized for supporting the Scholarly Profiles as Service (SPaS) model at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Leveraging Wikidata to build a scholarly profile service aligns with interests in supporting open knowledge and provides opportunities to address information inequities. The article accounts for the authors' decision to focus first on profiles for women scholars at the university and provides a detailed case study of how these profiles are created. By describing the processes of delivering the service, the authors hope to inspire other academic libraries to work toward establishing stronger open data connections between academic institutions, their scholars, and their scholars' publications.
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    Rigorous and consistent evaluation of diagnostic tests in children: another unmet need
    (Springer Nature, 2020-09-06) Caldwell, Christine S.; Denne, Scott C.; Pediatrics, School of Medicine
    It is time for the pediatric community, along with the FDA and the device industry, to renew efforts to better provide appropriately evaluated devices and diagnostic tests for children. This will require seriously considering incentives and/or funding for pediatric trials, improving insurance coverage to reimburse for device use, and creative approaches to the evaluation process in children. In the meantime, the FDA should work to better communicate the device and diagnostic test regulatory process to the public and physicians, and make clear to pediatricians to what extent specific diagnostic tests and devices have and have not been evaluated in children.
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    An Arts-Based Educational Exhibit on Menopausal Hot Flashes
    (Wolters Kluwer, 2019) Carpenter, Janet S.; Kesling, Mark; Schmidt, Karen K.; School of Nursing
    Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the development process, science, and symbolism of an arts-based educational exhibit designed to address myths, misinformation, negative imagery, and use of unproven treatments related to menopausal hot flashes. Methods: The development process included iterative and informal feedback from a variety of individuals, a partnership with an experienced exhibit designer, and collaborations between artists and scientists. Results: The resulting exhibit creates an environment where the public is immersed in accurate information about hot flashes. Although based on an iterative process, the resulting exhibit content reflects an estimated 500+ scientific studies, including those referenced in The North American Menopause Society position statements on hormone and nonhormone management of hot flashes. The seven main exhibit pieces convey scientific information and symbolize various aspects of women's experiences. Conclusions: This innovative exhibit has high potential to be a disruptive innovation to address the preponderance of myths, misinformation, and negative imagery surrounding menopausal hot flashes and potentially decrease the use of unproven therapies.
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    Prevalence of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Children and Adults in Marion County, Indiana
    (Cureus Inc., 2020-08-16) Wood, James; Datta, Dibyadyuti; Hudson, Brenda L; Co, Katrina; Tepner, Sarah; Hardwick, Emily; John, Chandy C.; Pediatrics, School of Medicine
    Background and Objectives: Two community studies outside the US showed asymptomatic infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in adults, but not in children <10 years of age. In this study, we assessed the prevalence of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adults in Marion County, Indiana. Methods: Individuals living in Marion County with no symptoms of coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) within seven days of enrollment were eligible for this cross-sectional household study. Study kits were delivered to the participant’s residence for self-swabbing, picked up by the study team, and tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for SAR-CoV-2 infection. Results: Five hundred eleven nasal swabs were collected from 119 children and 392 adults ≥18 years of age. One participant (seven years of age) tested positive, for an overall study prevalence of 0.2% (95% CI 0, 0.6%). The participant had no known contact with a person with SARS-CoV-2 infection, and five family members tested negative for infection. The child and family members all tested negative for infection 10 and 20 days after the first test, and none developed symptoms of COVID-19 for 20 days after testing. Conclusions: Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection can occur in children <10 years with no known COVID-19 exposure. Large cohort studies should be conducted to determine prevalence of asymptomatic infection and risk of transmission from asymptomatic infection in children and adults over time.
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    Becoming More HIP: Assessment Trends in High-Impact Learning Practices and Student Success
    (Stylus Publishing, 2019) Thorington Springer, Jennifer; Powell, Amy A.; Graunke, Steven; Hahn, Tom; Hatcher, Julie A.; English, School of Liberal Arts
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    U.S. & Indiana County Jail Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    (Center for Health and Justice Research (CHJR), IU Public Policy Institute, 2020-06) Martyn, Kevin; Rising, Staci; Hampo, Mary; Stockman, Beca; Lucas, Bailee; Grommon, Eric; Camacho-Reyes, Karla; O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, IUPUI
    The following brief explores whether U.S. county jails have managed to reduce their inmate populations in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the magnitude of those reductions. This brief also examines trends in Indiana county jails compared to nationwide trends. We conclude with recommendations for monitoring jail populations in the wake of COVID-19.
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    What is the best model for managing health care surge for COVID patients?
    (Fairbanks School of Public Health, IUPUI, 2020-03-28) Menachemi, Nir; Gutta, Jyotsna; Department of Health Policy and Management, Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, IUPUI
    The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is projected to infect a substantial proportion of Hoosiers. Experts are forecasting the number of individuals who will become infected over time and the subset of those that will require hospitalization. Given the COVID-19 experience in other countries, many of those hospitalized will require intensive care services including mechanical ventilation. Demand for all U.S. hospital services is projected, by many computer models, to outpace supply. In preparation for this surge, the current brief report explores issues associated with approaches that could facilitate the expansion of acute care and intensive care capacity within Indiana.
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    Abbreviated dignity therapy for adults with advanced-stage cancer and their family caregivers: Qualitative analysis of a pilot study
    (Cambridge University Press, 2019-06) Beck, Adrienne; Cottingham, Ann H.; Stutz, Patrick V.; Gruber, Rachel; Bernat, Jennifer K.; Helft, Paul R.; Wilhelm, Laura; Schmidt, Karen; Stout, Madison E.; Willard, Claire; Johns, Shelley A.; Medicine, School of Medicine
    Objective Dignity therapy (DT) is designed to address psychological and existential challenges that terminally ill individuals face. DT guides patients in developing a written legacy project in which they record and share important memories and messages with those they will leave behind. DT has been demonstrated to ease existential concerns for adults with advanced-stage cancer; however, lack of institutional resources limits wide implementation of DT in clinical practice. This study explores qualitative outcomes of an abbreviated, less resource-intensive version of DT among participants with advanced-stage cancer and their legacy project recipients. Method Qualitative methods were used to analyze postintervention interviews with 11 participants and their legacy recipients as well as the created legacy projects. Direct content analysis was used to assess feedback from the interviews about benefits, barriers, and recommendations regarding abbreviated DT. The legacy projects were coded for expression of core values. Result Findings suggest that abbreviated DT effectively promotes (1) self-expression, (2) connection with loved ones, (3) sense of purpose, and (4) continuity of self. Participants observed that leading the development of their legacy projects promoted independent reflection, autonomy, and opportunities for family interaction when reviewing and discussing the projects. Consistent with traditional DT, participants expressed “family” as the most common core value in their legacy projects. Expression of “autonomy” was also a notable finding. Significance of results Abbreviated DT reduces resource barriers to conducting traditional DT while promoting similar benefits for participants and recipients, making it a promising adaptation warranting further research. The importance that patients place on family and autonomy should be honored as much as possible by those caring for adults with advanced-stage cancer.
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    Drug Use in Indiana: A Regional Perspective
    (The Center for Health Policy, 2019-05-01) Gutta, Jyosna; Greene, Marion
    Indiana consists of 92 counties, which can be divided into 8 service regions. The prevalence of substance misuse can differ between the individual regions. Compared to the state’s average, rates of underage drinking, smoking, and illicit drug use were particularly high in Indiana’s Western region. The most frequently used substances among Indiana students in grades 8, 10, and 12 were alcohol, electronic vape products, marijuana, traditional (combustible) cigarettes, and prescription drugs. Understanding each region’s unique needs is a vital component to designing programs dedicated to improving overall Hoosier health.